The two projects below were produced during my employment as a Research Assistant at the University of Worcester.
Worcester High Street
Software Used: Unreal Engine 4, Blender
Development Time: 60 Hours
This is a recreation of Worcester's high street from the summer of 2022. The textures for most of the buildings made from photos taken of each building. Along the street are certain objects that can be collected, which would tie into an objectives system where the user had a list of items to collect from certain shops. This project was meant to help with rehabilitation of people with mental health issues.
Woodland Walk
Software Used: Unreal Engine 4, Arduino
Development Time: 70 Hours
This is a prototype level of a piece of software meant to help with physical rehabilitation of people with mental health issues. Movement is controlled by an Arduino device connected to a treadmill, with the speed of the treadmill affecting the camera's speed. The purple boxes are triggers which activate certain NPCs when collided with. The triggers, NPCs, and waypoints are set through a text file, which can be edited.